Safe Locks

Quantum IQ200

High security modular locking system allowing user to define functionality.

The Quantum IQ200 electronic safe lock can be networked or used as a stand-alone unit.
It can be used wherever organisational flexibility, fast response and increased security are required, an ideal safe lock for organisations with large branch networks, such as banks, post office, retail and restaurant chains.

UK Installation Service.

Our nationwide Safe Engineers and Master Locksmiths provide a 24 hour service.

For further information or quotation please contact
0800 52 63 88 or

Category: .

100 codes per lock with ID+PIN
1 master code
2 opening codes
97 codes with individually scalable opening and access authorisations

Code ageing, individual name for each code with PIN

1 master code, 1 mutation code, 1 time code, 2 AND codes
95 opening codes, single or dual opening

Code ageing, individual name for each code with multiple lock units

Parallel mode, Partial locking


Normal & Duress time delay
Confirmation window
Day-time and user related time delays
Non-return time delay
Monitoring of lock open period
Fully automatic DLST (summer/winter time changeover)
Yearly repeating holiday periods
Weekly time locks
Immediate locking
Time lock override by pre-programmable override windows
Time lock override by code Time lock interruption by input signal

Our Product Development Team will provide hardware and software solutions to resolve safe and lock problems.

From designing and manufacturing parts to convert old key locking safes to accept electronic time locks to creating and writing software to enable specific time locks set-ups and automatic bolt-locking anti-robbery devices.

VdS is an independent institution which has been ensuring safety and trust in security for many decades. As one of Germany’s leading independent testing institutions for fire protection and security, VdS has gained the trust of all groups involved in the safety and security.